Faculty of Industrial Design

The Faculty educates designers preparing them to creative work in the domain of broadly defined industrial design.
It prepares its students for becoming designers, whose task is not only to take care of the aesthetic aspects of objects but also to find the best functional, structural, and material solutions tailored to the needs and requirements of customers. Training in design also covers product design and visual communications treated as complementary activities, with the syllabus supporting them with a curriculum in the humanities and art (esp. painting and sculpture).
Moreover, the Faculty manages design, research, study and artistic works, co-operating within those areas with many institutions, e.g. The Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw, The Central Institute of Protection of Workplace in Warsaw, Committee for Scientific Research, Ergonomic Committee and Ergonomic Commission of Polish Academy of Sciences.
Study Programme*
*Please note, that lectures and theoretical courses are available only in Polish.
More information (in Polish): https://design.asp.krakow.pl
9 Smoleńsk Street